
Do I Need an EIN for Sole Proprietorship

The federal Employer number i.e.  EIN  could be a nine-digit unique number assigned to a business by IRS for tax filing and reporting purposes. IRS uses this nine-digit unique  EIN  so on identify the taxpayer.  EIN  is used by business entities or organizations like corporations or liability companies so on the file tax return. However, most of the sole proprietors don't must get an  EIN  and may use their Social Security Number instead. Different steps to induce an  EIN  for a sole proprietorship To get sole proprietorship one must follow these step • Preparation of the mandatory information-To have an EIN for your sole proprietorship, you wish to supply IRS with several details about your business. the main points may help to eliminate all the hurdles along with ways. you wish mandatory information regarding your business before you begin applying for an EIN such as- • Name of the sole proprietorship • Doing business as. Name of the business if applicable. • Contact information